The Winning Side (University Park Series #3)

By C M Doporto


The Winning Side – where to start?

I am trying to remain calm, not to rant and rave, I have so much I need to say about this book but I am going to keep it short and sweet.  I apologise in advance, I am not going to give too much away as I believe this is the best book of the series!

Firstly Lexi is fantastic and such a strong female character, the crap she puts up with from weak people in her life – OMG  She has this energy that draws people to help her and I loved how even Raven’s friends stepped up and carried her burden after spring break and towards the end of the book.

Secondly Raven, he needs to get help, stop using what happened to his mother as his crutch, she is a strong mum, Raven needs to be a man, own and make the right choices and stop making Lexi pay for it in drama and emotional crap.  What transpired after spring break, she is one strong lady for sure.  He needs to grow a pair and say no to his football friends.  He needs to stop sulking off to a corner and running away from shit in his life, I was so angry after his final meeting with the school board.

Thirdly one of the most significant moments I loved in the book was when Colin and Lexi met up.  I was dumbfounded and really sad for what they lost, I think Colin would be a wonderful boyfriend, husband and father if you were the person he loved.  I so would read a book about him as a person as I think it would be pretty heartfelt.

Fourth, Lexi’s mum and dad, swear to god I love them all the way to the moon and back in book 3, her dad is like a super hero of epic proportions and her mum who I hated in book 2, I now love and have forgiveness for.

Lastly and again, Lexi the amazing young woman she is, how strong is she to stand up and fight for what she wants in life and unfortunately for me it is Raven. I admit I did not like the ending in the front garden, I wanted Raven to crawl on his hands and knees and beg for her to let him back into her life.

The end of the book was wonderful when we did get to see all the characters 12 months on and how their lives had turned out, great way to see this series to an end.

I see there is a book coming out for Raven so we can read his POV. I would really love to see a book on Colin or Delaney and Luke.

The Winning Side (University Park Series # 3)

My rating:  

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