Learning to Live

By Kira Adams

learning to live

Learning to Live is a romance but I have to warn you that if you are prone to an “ugly cry” then do not read this in public. Swear to god at some points I wanted to crawl into a corner and rock backwards and forwards and try to soothe my soul before I continued on.

Don’t let me scare you off, on the other hand it is also an uplifting journey of two young people Topher & Ciera who need to basically learn to live with the cards they  have been dealt.  It is a story of forgiveness, second chances, seeing beauty through someone else’s eyes and living for the moment. Two people from two totally different walks of life teach each other some of life’s most important lessons in such a short period of time.

There is only one area in this book I felt a bit let down with is that I really wanted Sophia (aka the bully) and Ciera to have their moment for reflection, closure and acknowledgement of poor behaviour.  The whole scene where Ciera is curled into a ball and Sophia is hitting her I was appalled at and then we kind of jump ahead and I really wanted Sophia to be pointed out as a bitch and coward, I needed retribution for Ciera – I was so angry.

These kinds of books make you realise your life is actually pretty good and although we know how this story is going to end I was appreciative as to the compassionate way the writer expressed Ciera and Topher’s relationship.

I note there is three other books in the series and I really want to read My Forever with Madalynne & Parker as those two friends of Topher I absolutely loved.

Learning to Live

My rating: