Rebel (Dead Mans Ink #1)


By Callie Hart

If this is your first foray into a MC Romance book you need to put on your big girl panties and hang on for a raw and gritty ride.

Rebel has emotion, secrets, powerful characters and downright heartbreaking moments which take you on a thrilling and fast-paced ride.  This story has twists, turns and takes you on a journey through the downright ugly part of life and how quickly it can turn from safe to terrifying.

I have read an incredible amount of biker romance books and I must say this one is probably one of the grittiest and dirties books in relation to supporting characters that made me scared for the main characters particularly Sophia (aka Alexis).

I mean the psycho drug queen just put chills down my spine and don’t start me on the cartel dudes who took Sophia, that had me shaking in my pants.  You really are going to enter a world of really bad guys and girls and to be warned this is no girl on the back of a bike riding off into romance heaven hugging her tattooed man.

Good people get killed and peoples lives are put in danger, simple as that.  I found the going back into history part for Rebels story a bit long personally, I mean it explains his comradeship with Cade but I probably wanted to hear more about his strange relationship with his dad.  Perhaps we get more in the next installment?

Also, cliff hanger/WTF moment/piss your pants scary of epic proportions at the end of this book – so be warned.  I am hanging for the next instalment as I want Sophia and Rebel to get the bad guys – well those guys who are worse that Rebel and his club who merely trade in guns and drugs!

So you need to either take the plunge or not depending on how daring you are feeling – you will not be disappointed.

Rebel (Dead Mans Ink #1)

My rating: 

Buy Links:  Rebel