Knight’s Game (All or Nothing #2)

By C C Gibbs


When her tryst with handsome billionaire Dominic Knight gets out of hand, Katherine Hart resolves to cut all contact for good. But Dominic won’t let his object of fascination escape so easily: when they cross paths in a plush hotel in Singapore, their steamy affair is reignited.

But can such exquisite pleasure last?

Kate knows her lover is a man who lives entirely for the chase. Is this reunion a rushing climax before an inevitable fall, or could Kate possess the keys to finally taming the untamable Dominic Knight?


Knight’s Game began where Knight’s Mistress ended and you knew their dynamic chemistry would just continue to build.  Plenty of sexual scenes that will have your panting and holding your breathe but this instalment gives us so much more of an emotional read.

Knight’s Game takes us behind Dominic’s facade and his walls slowly start to crumble and we learn more of his upbringing as we meet his sister Melanie and her family.

His family played a bigger part as did Kate’s Nan which has one of my favourite thoughts and sums up Dominic fighting his way to the end in the story for his happiness and to make his own family;

“Nana stood on the porch and watched the wealthy young man walk through the snow in his sandals, get into his rental car and drive away.  She’d never met anyone so alone, she thought.”

Knight’s Game changed the direction in their relationship and the surprises and romantic guestures is why I love reading Romance novels.

The love letter and declaration by Dominic with the flowers brought tears to my eyes.


Knight’s Game (All or Nothing #2)

My Rating: 

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