When Day Breaks (KGI #9)

By Maya Banks


The Kelly Group International (KGI): A super-elite, top secret, family-run business.
Qualifications: High intelligence, rock-hard body, military background.
Mission: Hostage/kidnap victim recovery. Intelligence gathering. Handling jobs the U.S. government can’t…

Eden is said to be one of the most beautiful women in the world. Her face has graced countless magazines and her body has sold millions of dollars of clothing. But her fame and beauty has earned her more than she ever imagined. Evil is stalking her, determined to extinguish the ethereal beauty forever.

Swanson or “Swanny” as his teammates call him is always up for the next mission. He came back from Afghanistan wounded and scarred. Hardly the kind of man who even belongs in the same room with Eden. And yet there’s something about the quiet beauty that stirs his blood and makes him dream of the impossible. Because Beauty loving the beast only happens in fairy tales and KGI doesn’t deal in fairy tales. Ever.


Firstly I love the cover and it really matched to the story of Swanny & Eden.

When Day Breaks is probably so far my least favourite of the series. Why?, well because there was less KGI action and more sweet romance between Swanny and Eden.  I love the senior KGI brothers of Sam, Garrett and Donovan and they really were only in small portions of this so I missed them in their save the world mode.

My favourite chapters were all the action and suspense which is what KGI is all about and then throwing in the love interest to ultimately protect and rescue.  We did get to all that eventually and to me it felt like we got 75% of Swanny & Eden getting to know each other and then only 25% of the suspense and action of KGI.  So this is not as good as the rest I have read so far however we did get a little more of Hancock and I am excited to read his story which is next being Darkest Before Dawn #10.  I have always been intrigued by Hancock since  we met him in Rio’s story and he is definitely a mystery guy and I think when he falls it will be outstanding – well I hope.

I did not pick up who was the threat until it was revealed by the team so that was a great surprise.

Two characters I really enjoyed were Skylar and Edge, they provided great support to Swanny & Eden with humour but also emotional support.

When Day Breaks ended lovely and we get to see Eden and Swanny in their new life together however I was again surprised she would go back to modelling as prior to the kidnapping she was all about the assignment being her last so that did not make sense.  I really thought she wanted to leave the limelight as she was going to make enough money to retire and enjoy eating real food.

Quote: They were a true study in Beauty and the Beast

When Day Breaks (KGI #9)

My Rating: 

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