Unpredictable (The Key West Series # 1)

By C.A. Harms

BR Unpredictable


Have you ever wished for a moment that you could pretend to live the life of someone else? Escape the harsh reality that your own is anything but perfect?

Quinn Tucker had always been forced to put her own needs last.  With an absent father and a mother who drowns herself daily in a bottle of Rum, there was no other option.

Jett Jameson was the distraction Quinn needed, even if it was just for one night.  A void filler, and a chance for a moment to allow herself to feel something other than emptiness.

He wasn’t what she expected.  Gentle.

Her life didn’t have room for a man like Jett.  Unpredictable.

But now it was too late, there was no turning back.  Desire.

Nothing would ever be the same…


We first met Jett in LOVING COLT and while Jett is connected to the Southern Boys series, you don’t need to read that series to get into this book.  But I loved the Southern Boys series, so I’d recommend reading them anyway.

Jett is the owner of the popular Palm Beach restaurant, Jett’s.  His sole dream had always been to open up his own restaurant, and after years of working hard and achieving his dream, he doesn’t have time for the demanding needs of a woman.  He’s happy with the bachelor lifestyle and has no plans to change it up any time soon.

Quinn is a 25 year old woman who has never had a chance to follow her dream of becoming a photographer.  Too busy picking her drunken mother up off the floor or up from the police station, any chance of having a normal life fell away a long time ago.  She has to work two jobs just to pay the bills and keep them afloat.  One night her best friend convinces her to come to a party to have some much needed fun.  At the party she meets Jett and makes the uncharacteristic decision to go home with him.  What’s one night with a man she’ll never see again?  But of course life wouldn’t be so kind to Quinn, and she’s shocked to find out her potential new boss is none other than Jett, who was not very happy at waking up alone.

Will Quinn be the one who finally gets Jett to slow down, and will Jett be the one who can help Quinn carry all of her burdens?

Oh my god.  Poor Quinn.  I mean seriously, how much can one person take?  She’s never met her father and her mother has been a drunken mess ever since he left.  She’s never had the childhood every kid deserves, too busy being the parent in their relationship.  But she’s so strong.  Being forced to live like that and never spiralling herself is an amazing feat.

Jett was hot, but nothing about him really stood out except for his mood swings.  I think he could give a PMSing woman a good run for her money.  When things were going well with Quinn, you could not wipe the smile from his face.  But when things were going bad, he took it out on everyone around him.

The supporting characters were great and fun to read about.  We met Jett’s PA, Callie, and his best friend, Kade.  If Kade get’s his own story I’m going to need to make sure I have plenty of tissues handy as I think it will kill me.  But he did have a great sense of humour in this book.

Kade:  “Be all domineering and commanding.  Chicks dig that shit.”

And Harper is back.  Yay!!!  We also met her in LOVING COLT and she made quite an impression given her very small appearance in that book.  I’m glad to see book 2 in The Key West Series will be hers.

Harper:  “You’ll have to excuse them.  Jett has been a bachelor for so long, I’m pretty sure they were beginning to question his sexual preference.”

Overall I thought this was a great start to a new series.  I liked that the drama and struggles Jett and Quinn faced were realistic.  I liked the humour and banter between family members and friends.  And I liked how the female lead outshined the male lead.  It doesn’t happen very often because let’s face it, we want to read about strong and confident men.  But every now and then it’s good to read about a woman who has been dealt with so much but still has the strength to keep on going.

Quinn:  “You came into my life when I needed it most.  I needed someone to fight for me and for once make me feel like I was worth it.  You did that.”

Unpredictable (The Key West Series # 1)

My Rating:  5 Hearts

Buy Links:  Amazon

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The Key West Series