Hook (Duplicity Duet # 1)

By Elisabeth Grace

BR Hook


Women loathed me without even knowing my name. Men coveted the very idea of me.

Escort. Call girl. Prostitute. Hooker. Wh*re.

I’d heard it all. Done it all.

Over the years I’d felt a lot of things about my occupation…but not regret–never regret. I had my reasons for doing what I did and nothing and no one had ever made me question them.


He’d changed me and I’d naively fed into the fairy tale.

But Marco wasn’t my Prince Charming. He had secrets of his own. Secrets that would eventually rip away everything I held dear.


Wow!!  As bad as this pun is going to sound, HOOK had me hooked.  I don’t know exactly when it happened, all I know is that I did not want to put this book down.  I can’t say much about the story without giving away spoilers, but what I can tell you is that “Brandi” is a high-end escort and she has a very good reason for being one.  She is a woman who is strong, loving and determined.  Marco is her latest client, and he scares her because she finds herself attracted to him like no-one else before.  He appears to be every woman’s dream, but it’s obvious early on that he’s hiding something.  His promises and declarations have her believing that even someone like her could have a happily ever after, but after she gives him the final piece of herself, her reason for living is taken from her in the most horrible way, and Marco is involved.

HOOK is told only in “Brandi’s” POV, is part of a duet and comes with a cliffhanger; and what a cliffhanger it was.  The story itself is a little slow at times and not a lot really happens, but that’s what makes the ending that much more explosive.  While the cliffhanger was completely unexpected, it was believable because it fit with the story.  I’m glad I didn’t read this when it first came out, because having to wait three months for the finale would have sucked…big time.  Thankfully I only have to wait a week, as BURN comes out on July 26th.  For now, I’ll leave you with these powerful words that make up the ending.

The lies and half-truths splintered my fragile heart into jagged pieces of glass that ripped me apart from the inside out.  The eyes of the man I thought loved me bore down from above, and the realization hit that he was the one responsible.
He did this.
My heart was a kiln that hardened my despair and transformed it into a rage so monstrous it couldn’t be contained.  I’ve been forged in fire and born anew.
He would pay.
They all would.
I’d burn this whole cesspool of a city to the ground until I’d exacted revenge on all of them.
Every.  Single.  Fucking.  One.

Hook (The Duplicity Duet # 1)

My Rating:  5 Hearts

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Duplicity Duet Series